tavolo smontabile in legno massello con piano in cristallo design alessandro marelli
tavolo smontabile in legno massello con piano in cristallo design alessandro marelli
tavolo smontabile in legno massello con piano in cristallo design alessandro marelli
tavolo smontabile in legno massello con piano in cristallo design alessandro marelli


Removable solid wood table with glass top

Demountable solid wood table with Travi glass top.
It can be completely disassembled to reduce shipping costs, assembly and disassembly are very simple, the whole structure is supported only with 4 screws.
The particular joint between legs and tenons gives the table exceptional stability.
The tenons tapering at the apexes fit together and subsequently rest on the head of the leg and then be tightened with a screw.

From the Latin in-castrare, “to cut inside”.
In static it indicates the connection that prevents any absolute movement of an element (external joint) or any relative movement between two or more elements (internal joint).
In woodworking, the term is widely used to indicate the connections between elements and takes different names in relation to the type (tongue-and-groove, dovetail, jaw etc.).

  • Date : 2010
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