sedia in legno massello per contract design alessandro marelli
sedia in legno massello per contract design alessandro marelli
sedia in legno massello per contract design alessandro marelli
sedia in legno massello per contract design alessandro marelli


Low Cost solid wood chair for public spaces.

Solid wood chair for public spaces Low Cost, has been designed for public spaces where the sturdiness of the furnishings is essential. The chair is made of solid beech wood, very hard and tough, wood with a relatively cheap cost. The structure is tied with several tenons with circular section to increase its bending and traction strength. The sections of the legs, as well as the joints and joints, are sized ad hoc to withstand the aforementioned stresses for longer. CNC machining does not involve particular difficulties except for the visible joint of the backrest which drowns in the rear uprights.

  • Date : 2008
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