contenitore in legno massello curvato design alessandro marelli
contenitore in legno massello curvato design alessandro marelli
contenitore in legno massello curvato design alessandro marelli
contenitore in legno massello curvato design alessandro marelli
contenitore in legno massello curvato design alessandro marelli


Hand-bent solid wood container

Container in solid wood bent by hand, Split is obtained starting from a flat rectangular board duly milled at the ends of the longer sides along their entire length. The millings section the wood fibers to facilitate the bending of the sides of the board, obtainable with simple manual mechanical means.

The first technique for bending wood consists in proceeding with a cutting and gluing process, in fact we speak of artificial bending. A more natural curvature consists in wetting the wood fibers, in order to make them more flexible for the application of the curve, in this context we also speak of steaming wood bending.

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