poltrona trasformabile in letto singolo design alessandro marelli
poltrona trasformabile in letto singolo design alessandro marelli
poltrona trasformabile in letto singolo design alessandro marelli
poltrona letto trasformabile design alessandro marelli Althaea una poltrona-letto trasformabile
poltrona letto trasformabile design alessandro marelli Althaea una poltrona-letto trasformabile


Altea a convertible armchair-bed.

Altea a transformable armchair-bed made up of a foam that wraps a pouf upholstered with ad hoc embroideries and made using a digital embroidery machine. All enclosed by a lifting strap tightened with a 3D printed hook. And it is the exciting result of an experimental design process that has involved artisan, designer and digital technologies in a synergistic way and that has made use of both advanced technological know-how and tacit artisan skills each time.

For Analogico / Digitale I developed this armchair bed formed by a foam that wraps a pouf upholstered with ad hoc embroideries and realized through a digital embroidery machine, all enclosed by a lifting strap tightened with a 3D printed hook.

It was an exciting operation, which involved artisan, designer and digital technologies in a synergistic way.
Project developed in just over forty days thanks to the SHARED PROJECT PROCESS between the three actors mentioned above.
No technical drawings were needed precisely due to the close relationship with the craftsman who developed all the design indications from time to time.


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